Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star

Name: Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star

Achievements: DK CH

Date of birth: 28 May 2019 at 07:25 am CET

Born as: No.5

Color: Red with white on her chest and on her paws

Lives in: With us in Sweden

Two years and eleven months

Two years and two months

28th July 2021
3rd August 2021

Sixteen months – September 2020


One year and three days – 31st May 2020


Nine months and seven days – 7th March 2020


Five months and two days – 30th October 2019


Four months and one week – 6th October 2019

Fourteen weeks five days – 8th September 2019

Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star

Eleven weeks – 13th August 2019


Nine weeks – 30th July 2019

Our little ones are more and more starting to look like salukis. Right now their legs are getting longer. 

No2-Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star 2019-07-31
No.5 Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star huvud

Eight weeks – 23rd July 2019

Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star-s
Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star

Seven weeks – 16th July 2019

Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star
Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star

Six weeks – 8th July 2019


Five weeks & four days old – 6th July 2019


Three weeks & two days old – 20th June 2019

Oh boy how much is happening in the life of these small sparkling stars. In just a few days they went from learning how to walk to learning how to run. When awake they are all over the place.

And a lot will happen this weekend. We will rearrange in our living room so that they can get access to the entire area that we planned for them from the start.

However the highlight of the weekend will be their first visit to our garden. How will they react to all smells and the feeling of grass under their paws? I will try to document it all.


Two & half weeks old – 15th June 2019

In just a few days all puppies opened their eyes entirely. They are trying to play with each other and it is so fun to see them trying to jump on each other. They are also making real dog sounds now such as barking and growling. 

Puppy kit that will follow with each one of the little ones when they move from our home is growing almost as fast as the puppies are. Collars and leashes are on the way. Our food supplier puppy kit already arrived. Last Thursday, when I was buying food for Oonah, I couldn’t resist buying 10 toys of the same model but different colour (4 creme + 6 grey) to add to each one of the puppy kits. More will come. 


Two weeks old – 11th June 2019

So much has happened in just one week. Our little ones can take quite many steps before stumbling and falling now.

Their eyes are opening and soon the most beautiful thing in the world will happen: we will be able to see each other in the eyes for the very first time and the lifelong bond between us will be created.


One week old – 4 June 2019

Our babies are one week old now. We are lucky that Oonah has milk for them all and that she is taking such a great care of them. Each and one of the babies are gaining weight as they should and within a couple of days all of them will have doubled their birth weight. 


Three days old – 31 May 2019