Saluki litter 2022 – journey start
Today Milan’s and Oonah’s journey started when they met on a beautiful sunny meadow accompanied by humblebees searching for nectar and birds singing in the forest nearby. Their meeting was playful and calm and we could not have wished for a better start of their journey. You can follow Oonah’s pregnancy in this Pregnancy journal. And here is the link to the puppies pedigree.
Exciting time
Or maybe not. 🙂 When I go around and think of the best day for meeting the boy the only thing Oonah thinks of is relaxing…. But I do hope that we will have some happy news for you who are waiting before Friday.
Dottie and Lo, sisters we kept from our first saluki litter. They are always together and if one of them is not in the house, which happens when we deliberately take only one out for training for example, the other one is crying after her sister most of the time. They are sisters and very beautiful but still quite different in their look and how they move. I love them both equally as they remind me about the type diversity of saluki breed.
As you could read in our previous post we have been on Malmö int. dog show last Sunday. Milan, planned father of our next litter, was also there. So was his father Luca and Milan’s grandfather Adam. Three generations of males in our comming litter’s pedigree. Luca became Best Male and BOB followed by Adam as BM-2 and Milan as BM-3. It was a pleasure to meet all three of them and to meet their lovely owners.
More happy news :)
Oh my what Ester we got! Today at Swedish Kennel Club’s Int. Dog show in Malmö Sommarvindens Star Of Milky Way *Dottie* came first in Open class and became BB-1 with CAC and CACIB and was later placed as BOS. Dottie was handled by our own sweetest Saga. Her sister Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star *Lo* came just behind her sister in Open Class and was later placed as BB-2 with R-CAC and R-CACIB. Lo was beautifully handled by dear Marie FrisĂ©n. Huge thank you to the judge Leni Finne for liking our girls.
Happy News from Denmark!
Happy news from Danish Sighthound dog show in Strøby, DK where we went with Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star *Lo* and Sommarvindens Star Of Milky Way *Dottie* for the first dog show of this year. I had huge expectations on Dottie but she was very tired, so intestead of her, it was Lo who managed to get BB-1 and BOS. Huge thank you to the judge, Mr. Martin Baskaran, ES. We also met this beautiful and very kind afghan junior that charmed both David and me a lot. And as if that wasn’t enough we also met a lovely Danish…
That moment…
That moment when you run so fast and then stop in a second just to discover that your ear didn’t follow what you were doing…
Who turned the heat on? :)
Finally, after long waiting, Oonah gave us the best ever Easter surprise by starting her heat today. We are all so looking forward to this litter to be. If things go well I believe she will be mated around 26th of April and give birth around 28th of June. This means that the puppies will be ready to move to their new families around 24th of August. If you are seriously interested in one of the puppies from this lovely combination, please send us an email via contact form or give us a call at +46 736 00 00 98.
Two more in heat
Earlier today Lo got in heat and in the evening we noticed that even our youngest, Bianca, is in heat. Of entire pack now only Tesla and Oonah have not started. Tesla is not so precise in her heats as she is an azawakh and they often get in heat just once a year but I am so sad that Oonah is being several weeks late with her heat. Now we hope that the other two will drag her into heat so to say.
Still waiting…
Still waiting for Oonah’s heat to start. But when one have a queen like her then one need to accept that she is the one deciding – always. 🙂