New type of adventure

We tested something totally new when we packed all our doggies and our new tent into the car and drove to Roskilde in Denmark to camp at Roskilde dog show. Our dogs never spent a night in a tent before and David and me were kids when we did it last time.

We had no clue how our pack will behave in tent for two days or if we will be able to get any sleep.

We arrived at Thursday and took it easy to let the pack adjust to the new environment. They behaved well.

The first night was cold and despite so many dogs all around us the only noise we heard were all crows who had their nests in the trees all around us.

Friday was Nordic dog show but instead of being at the show both David and me needed to work. It is fantastic how easy it is to work from almost anywhere today.

And today I showed Dottie. She got Excellent and was 4th in champion class. Huge thank you to the judge, Lena Persson.

Now we are back home happy that everything went well.

The tent was huge enough for all of us to get space.
The bedroom. Doggies were free to choose if they wanted to sleep in the double bed or in the open crate.
Thursday evening we even managed to watch the second Eurovision Semifinals.
It was quite crowded from time to time. I call it a bed full of love, with one exception… the tick I found crawling on my arm the first morning was neither welcome nor loved.
Bianca loved to watch through the window and to alarm the other ones of approaching strangers.
I am so grateful and happy for how all my puppies develop and I just love how Dottie, SE CH, DK CH, FjordW 2022, HAHV 2023 Sommarvindens Star Of Milky Way, looks at this beautiful photo shot by the best Kaj Frøling.