Best In Show
Yes you red it right. 🙂 At the Danish Sighthound Club’s dog show in Roskilde, 02 September 2017 Oonah not only won Best of Breed with Danish CAC, but even ended up as Best In Show!!! Words can’t describe how I feel and how grateful I am that the judge, Mr. Ian Rasmussen, AU, liked her so much! Mr. Ian Rasmussen is a saluki breeder since 30+ years so his experience in how a saluki should look and move weights a lot for me. Thank you Mr. Rasmussen!
What a summer we had!
Oonah made us so proud this summer! We started our summer tour in Split, Croatia. On Split national dog show on 29th July Oonah won Open class and became Best Bitch with CAC and also ended up as Best of Oposite Sex. On Split international dog show on 30th July Oonah won Open class and became Best Bitch with CAC, CACIB and even this day she ended up as Best of Oposite Sex which gave her a title of Split Winner 2017! After visiting beautiful Croatia we went to dog friendly Germany. Oonah was entered to Bremen International dog show…
Swedish Kennel Club’s national dog show in Tvååker 8th July 2017
At Swedish Kennel Club’s national dog show in Tvååker Oonah won Open class! Huge thanks to her superb handler Emma and the judge BLÜTECHER KNUT, NO!
Results from Danish Kennel Club’s international dogshow 10th and 11th June
Last weekend we went to Denmark and their two international dog shows in Vejen. We met with new saluki lovers and had a great two days. On 10th June Oonah got Excellent with CQ in Open Class and on 11th June she got Excellent with CQ and was placed as 4th Best Bitch! Big thanks to judges András Korozs (Saturday) and Ramuné Kazlauskaite (Sunday)
Weekend in Hässleholm 20-21 May 2017
What a weekend we had! Yesterday at the Swedish Sighthound dog show in Hässleholm Oonah won Open class (8 bitches entered). She also got a Reserve Certificate And today at Swedish KC’s International dog show, also in Hässleholm, Oonah won Open class again. Both these wins would not be possible without Oonah’s super-handler Emma! Thank you very much Emma! Big thanks also to judges Bertrand Piau, France (Saturday) and Tomas Rohlin, Sweden (Sunday).
Malmö International dog show 19th of March
Today at Malmö international dog show in Malmö Oonah got excellent and was placed second in the Intermediate class. Huge thanks to the judge Ales Novak, Slovenia, and even bigger thanks to the fantastic handler Linda Frisén Johansson!
Swedish Kennel Club’s International Dog Show in Växjö 6th of November 2016
We are very proud of our Amal Hayati Oonah Nadira Al Jameelah, Oonah, that was placed 2nd with Excellent and CQ in the Intermediate class at Swedish KC’s International Dog Show in Växjö. Big thanks to the judge Stefan Sinko, Slovenien.
Let me introduce brand new Copenhagen Junior Winner 2016!
I had no expectations on Oonah at Copenhagen Winner Show held in Ballerup 17th of September. So you can imagine my surprise when she won her class with Excellent-1 and CAC-quality which made her Copenhagen Junior Winner 2016. Further more she ended up as 3rd Best Bitch with reserve-CAC! Big thanks to the judge Carl-Gunnar Stafberg, Sweden!
SKKs Internationella utställning i Eslöv 10 september och Svenska vinthundsklubbens specialutställning i Lund 11 september
September är definitivt den månad vi besöker flest utställningar på. Här kommer resultat från Eslöv och Lund: Lördagen 10:e September på SKKs Internationella utställnig i Eslöv fick Oonah Exc.2 i unghundsklassen. Stort tack till domaren Arne Foss, NO! Söndagen 11:e September på Svenska Vinthundsklubbens specialutställning i Lund fick Oonah Exc.2 i unghundsklassen. Stort tack till domaren Joy McFarlane, SA!
European Sighthound Dog Show och European Dog Show i Bryssel 26-27 augusti 2016
I år skulle Europeisk vinnarutställning och Europeisk vinthundsutställning hållas i Bryssel 26-27 augusti. Vi bestämde oss tidigt att vi skulle ta Oonah dit eftersom hon själv kommer 7,5 mil ifrån Bryssel. Vi ville gärna träffa hennes uppfödare Sven och Linda samt några av kullsyskon. Det blev en mycket trevlig resa och jag är verkligen glad att vi gjorde den. Tack Sven, Linda och Solange för en oförglömlig tid i Bryssel! Så hur gick det för Oonah då? På Europeisk vinthundsutställning fick Oonah Excellent och blev placerad 2:a i Unghundsklassen. Stort tack till domaren Mr. De Santiago Rafael! På Europeisk vinnarutställning fick…