• Happy News from Denmark!

    Happy news from Danish Sighthound dog show in Strøby, DK where we went with Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star *Lo* and Sommarvindens Star Of Milky Way *Dottie* for the first dog show of this year. I had huge expectations on Dottie but she was very tired, so intestead of her, it was Lo who managed to get BB-1 and BOS. Huge thank you to the judge, Mr. Martin Baskaran, ES. We also met this beautiful and very kind afghan junior that charmed both David and me a lot. And as if that wasn’t enough we also met a lovely Danish…

  • Happy news from Denmark!

    Today we say hurrah for Sommarvindens Star Of Milky Way *Dottie* who was placed 1st out of 6 bitches in Open class and later ended up as 2nd Best Bitch with reserve Certificate at Myndeklubben’s Christmas dog show in Strøby, Denmark. Huge thank you to the judge Andre van den Broek, Holland, for liking our girl.

  • Happy news from Norway!

    We are so proud of Janne and Nomi ( Sommarvindens Star Light) who got Ex. 1 with CK in open class at the Nordic dog show in Sandefjord – Melsomvik today. Well done girls!

  • Happy news from Austria

    Today we congratulate dearest Beate and Kiian (CH JCH Sommarvindens Stardust) on getting V2 and Reserve CAC on the Sighthound Speciality WFA 2021. Huge thank you to the judge Kerpan Andrej from Slovenia.

  • Happy news from Germany

    More happy news, this time from Germany: Sari (Sommarvindens Twinkling Star) ❤ won CAC, BB and BOB at the CAC Hildesheim show this morning. 😍👏Thank you judge Bart Scheerens for liking our girl and thank you Marion for handling Sari to perfection. ❤ We are so proud of you two!

  • Happy news from Lund

    Today we went to yet another dog show. This time just 20 minutes from home – Lund. The show was professionally arraigned by Swedish Sighthound club and we proudly share following results:Salukis:Sommarvindens Star Of Milky Way Dottie came 2nd in Open class and ended up as Best Bitch 3Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star Lo came 3rd in Open class and ended up as Best Bitch 4.Sommarvindens Chasing Stars Leo was shown by his dear owner Emma in Open class and was placed 4th.Italian Greyhound:Beverly Glitzerflitzer Heidi won Open class and ended up as Best Bitch 2 with R-CAC.Lo was perfectly…

  • Happy news from Denmark

    Happy news from Danish Sighthound dog show in Roskilde (2021-09-04):Sommarvindens Star Of Milky Way Dottie won Open Class wish Exc. and CQ. ❤ She was shown by Saga. Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star Lo ❤ got Exc. and was placed 3rd (of 5 bitches) in the same class. It was the first time for Lo and me to enter a ring together.Huge thank you to the judge Mette Mørkegaard, DK.

  • Happy news from Norway!

    Great news from Norway! At NKK’s nordic dog show in Hedmark/Oppland our Sommarvindens Star Light ❤Nomi❤got Excellent with CQ and was placed first in Open class. She ended up as BB-3 with CAC. Huge congratulations 👏😘to her owner Janne for beautiful handling and also huge thank you to the judge Marit Sunde, NO for liking our girl. 🌸

  • Great news from Germany

    On the CAC Show in Volkmarsen dear Sari (Sommarvindens Twinkling Star) ❤ and her owner/handler Marion ❤ won the Open class with CAC out of six bitches. 🥰😘 Huge congratulations to you both! 👏 We are so proud of you. ❤ Huge thanks to the judge for liking our girl and to Linnéa for taking this beautiful picture.

  • Happy news from DK

    Today we went to the first show in a very long time. This show was Danish Kennel Club’s Nordic Dog show in Brørup. Both Dottie and Lo where entered in Open class and we are delighted with both girl’s results. 🥰Dottie – Sommarvindens Star Of Milky Way got Excellent with CK and was placed as Best Bitch with CAC and Nordic CAC. Later she also became BOB.❤️Lo – Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star got Excellent with CK and was placed as Best Bitch 2 with Reserve CAC and Reserve Nordic CAC. ❤️Huge thank you to the judge Massimo Inzoli for…