Our Team
Team Sommarvinden consists of:
Saga RH
Saga, my fantastic daughter and Sommarvindens dear handler. She started showing dogs in the spring of 2018 and she is very good at it.
Saluki Oonah
C.I.B., SBIS, Euro Sighthound Winner 2018, SECH, DKCH, CPHW-17, STW-17, CPHJW-16 Amal Hayati Oonah Nadira Al Jameelah, Oonah. Oonah is mother to our Star litter and Colour litter.

Saluki Dottie
SE CH, DK CH, FjordW 2022, HAHV 2023 Sommarvindens Star Of Milky Way. One of the two puppies we kept from our first saluki litter. Lo’s sister.
Saluki Lo
SE CH, DK CH Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star, Lo. One of the two puppies we kept from our first saluki litter. Dottie’s sister.
Italian Greyhound Bianca
Sommarvindens Tiny Dancer, Bianca. The puppy that we kept from Heidi’s first litter (Sir Elton John litter)

Azawakh Tesla
Tigidit Futura, Tesla, the most unique, different and at the same time so loving dog we ever met.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Forever in our hearts ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ SECH Vindhauses Daniela, Smilla, our black beauty. Passed away two months shy of 13 years.
♥ Beverly Glitzerflitzer, Heidi, was our clown for the short time we had her. She passed away way too early in sepsis coming from the infection in one breast. She was 5 years old. She is the mother of our Elton John litter.
♥ Vindhauses Paola, Anja, was our first sighthound and the queen in the house. Anja was also a mother to our two first litters. Anja died at the age of 14 years.